Feminism Cannot Operate In Marriage; Choose A Man You Can Submit To

A woman is free to accept the man of her choice as her husband. Once that choice is made, listen to me unmarried Christian woman, you have got to submit to the man you chose as a husband. He is a reflection of the choice you made.

Sister, you are not mandated to marry, no matter how much society or family pushes you to. You can remain single and be happy right? So why do you want to get married? Marriage is not for everyone. And I do not say this without feeling. Ultimately, you make the choice to marry or not.


So if you do decide to marry as a Christian woman, you cannot pick and choose which side of the bible you respond to. The same God who said “you will not die but live…” also said “wives submit to your oooooown husbands as to the Lord” (emphasis mine). If you can honour and speak with respect to your pastor or doctor but not your husband, there is a problem.

I stand for the rights of females and I am an advocate for women. But respectfully, I submit, that “feminism” cannot operate in marriage. God created man and woman different for a reason. You should know your rights as much as you should know the order of marriage as instituted by God. If you do choose to marry, then your husband is the head of your home. It is that simple! Honour him! Respect him!

Negotiate with him as you would your boss at work or your doctor in the hospital.


Choose a man you can respect and submit to. Do not let anyone superimpose their choice on you. You can be guided to make a choice. However, the choice is yours to make. Take that choice seriously. Allow the Holy Spirit guide you in making that choice. Choose a man who himself is submitted to God and has his heart in the hands of the God you can pray to for a change when needed.

Stop fighting the wrong way.
Christian women do not fight like the world.
Let the world learn from us!

With love,
– Esther Gyimah –



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